Sunday, March 13, 2016

What Should You Consider When Choosing a Montessori Education for Your Child?

“…it is in this period of development (of the senses) that the basic ideas and habits of the intelligence are formed.” (Maria Montessori in “The Discovery of the Child”)

Our last blog posting covered a bit of Montessori philosophy. From that article, one may have gleaned information supporting the choice to have their child in a Montessori environment. This article will provide more information exploring reasons to support the choice of enrolling in a Montessori school.
Dr. Montessori developed the theory that children were best given activity to properly learn and develop. Differing from the standard of each child sitting in an assigned place for an assigned length of time, children in a Montessori environment are not only allowed, but are encouraged to move about, exploring and discovering beautiful materials placed enticingly on open shelves for their use. These materials are presented in individual or group lessons, providing a precise presentation before the child begins their own exploration.
The guide (teacher) then observes the child’s work, watching for continued interest, developing ability and understanding, stepping in only at a different time to re-present if needed. The child is allowed to work with any material that has been presented for as long and as often as he chooses. Mastery of a work is considered achieved upon the child’s satisfaction being ‘finished’ with said material.
Now, while the child is allowed to choose her own work much of the time, there are opportunities seized by the guide to present material in an area the child might have avoided or not chosen to this point. For example, if the child is choosing specific areas repeatedly, such as art, flower arranging, or geography, the guide will step in at the right moment to present a lesson in math, language, or music. Thus, the child is exposed to a variety of subjects over time.
The guide tracks progress of each child through a record-keeping program, referring to that record to determine goals for the child. Appropriate lessons are presented at just the right time to pique the interest and concentration of the child. This is a delicate dance as the guide must not wait too long or the interest may already have passed. If it becomes obvious that it is too soon, the guide can return to the lesson at another time. The statement to the child is simple, kind, and considerate. “This was fine. Let’s put it away for now and try again another time.” She is cautious to avoid letting the child feel she failed or couldn’t do what was expected of her. Again, we are aware of the intense purpose of observation, noting what each child needs and when.
Here we see how different the Montessori approach to teaching is from standard education. Lessons are not presented on a specific schedule to the class as a whole. Typical grading is not required to pave a roadmap of a child’s progress. Rather, each child is observed as an individual, leading the guide to determine presentation of just the right material at just the right time.
In a future article, we will further discuss what Montessori pedagogy calls “the sensitive periods” of the child. Dr. Montessori was cognizant of these periods in each child. This recognition sets our method apart from all others.
By following the child in this way, observing to see what to present and when, the adult allows the child to retain a true love of learning. In this way, the child is allowed to explore and to accept lessons as they are ready and eager to learn. Respect of the child’s individuality is paramount. Respect of the child’s resourcefulness is equally important.
                  It is interesting, the comments made by parents new to a Montessori environment. Some feel there is no structure, while others feel there is too much. The only way I know to address this is to illustrate how we present lessons, arrange the environment with much care and thoughtfulness, and how the children are allowed to choose work all the while being observed so as to be presented with appropriate lessons at the appropriate times.
There is freedom to choose the work that calls to them. This is a freedom within limits. The limits being that they do choose work, either on their own or with guidance from the adult. This guidance comes in the form of encouragement, enticement, and enthusiasm of the adult. Is this a lack of structure because it is basically unseen by the untrained eye? Is it too much structure? Yes, if the child is forced, reprimanded, or scolded to choose something to do now! This is another illustration of the delicate dance that occurs throughout the day in a Montessori environment — a dance well-crafted with great care and consideration on the part of the adult.
                  Points supporting your decision to enroll your child in Montessori include the fact that children are allowed to work independently, with a friend, or in small groups. It is believed that sharing one’s work strengthens discovery and learning. The joy of learning is further fostered.
Also, consider that the classes are grouped with varying ages within three years. Thus, each year there is the oldest age group. These children have become leaders, being secure in their role as mentors, assisting younger children as needed. They are naturally helpful, lending a hand with familiar material, tying aprons, soothing an upset younger child, walking friends to find appropriate tasks. Then, we have the middle-age group of children who have been in the environment the previous year and are building confidence and knowledge in their abilities. Children in this group are eager to help with those younger or work independently. These children happily look up to their older peers as role models. The youngest group enjoys exploration of their new environment while developing their independence.
                  In contemplating whether a Montessori environment is the proper fit for your child, take time to observe in a classroom. Notice the physical environment, the arrangement of the shelves as well as what is on them. Be aware of the flow of the room, of children moving about the room as well as going outside to work. Notice the movement of the children and of the adults in the room as well. Listen. Be aware of what you hear. Ask questions — lots of questions, until you are satisfied with the answers. 

— By Judith Kemper, AMI Montessori Guide

Friday, February 19, 2016

Montessori 101: "Follow the Child"

What is the philosophy behind Montessori?
Why would one choose to have their child in a Montessori environment? 
Aren’t the classes too structured (or not structured)?
Why do the children move all about the room? How does one guide (teacher) see all that is happening, know what lessons to give, assess the progress of each child, and provide each child with well-rounded exposure to each area of the classroom?
Why are there so many children in the class?
Why are there children of various ages?

These are a few questions that parents often ask when considering enrolling a child into a Montessori school. These questions are topics to be addressed in future articles. This article addresses a bit of Montessori’s philosophy. For now, let’s address just a little personal history of Maria Montessori as it helps to explain her philosophy.
In her studies, Dr. Montessori developed the theory that children were best given activity to properly learn and develop. The old saying that children should be seen and not heard lends one to picture a serene child sitting quietly posed, hands folded demurely in one’s lap. 
In fact, the very nature of the child is to move, explore, and discover. This begins at birth and continues until they develop a conscious mind — their will — and thus, the ability to sit more quietly and focus on what is at hand. Even then, the child continues to move about her environment to explore and discover. Dr. Montessori said, “Never give more to the mind than to the hand.” In other words, children learn best by movement and by using their hands.
  As a scientist, Dr. Montessori approached her work with children by observing, testing her theories, and discovering how to best present lessons to them. She began her research studying the works of Jean-Marc-Gaspard Itard and Edouard Seguin with disabled children. Through her observation with disabled children, she discovered their intrinsic nature of learning. By trial and error, she applied these discoveries and techniques to children with natural abilities. She then began her work with a group of 60 impoverished children from one to six years of age, living without supervision in slums. She first created a prepared environment and then observed as the children explored following their natural instincts.
Montessori instructed the adults working with her to “follow the child,” observing each, and thus providing guidance with the lessons for the materials they chose in the prepared environment. So, you see that in an environment set up with naturally-beautiful materials serving varying activities and purposes, the child is enticed, even seduced, to explore the materials’ intent. By offering to model the proper use by giving a lesson, the guide offers the child the opportunity to further explore and learn from the material.
In each community of infants and toddlers (birth to age 3), primary (3-6+ years), lower elementary (6-9) and upper elementary (9-12), the prepared environment is one in which materials are purposefully grouped. For example, in a primary environment there are four main areas: 
·                Practical life.
·                Sensorial (including music, botany and geography).
·                Math (more music, geography, and now history).
·                Language (including still more music, geography, history, art, and science). 
Each shelf’s materials are arranged from simple to complex, left to right, top to bottom. Already we are presenting preparation for writing and reading (in that order). The youngest child begins with exploration in practical life which will continue with them throughout their everyday lives. Their introduction to each successive area of the environment follows as they are ready to receive those lessons.
The teacher, or "guide," also must be well-versed in how to first approach a child, what to say (if anything at all), and how to invite and encourage the child to have a lesson. Each day begins in preparation of herself for the children in her appearance, demeanor, her slow, precise movements, her calm tone, her very presence in the environment. She must know what is needed by each child, and be prepared to provide lessons as needed. In that same moment, the guide must remain flexible in order to respond to every situation that arises.
The classroom environment is arranged more like a room in one’s home than a classroom. Beautiful artwork is displayed throughout the room. There are rugs placed for ambiance as well as to provide an inviting workspace. Tables and chairs are placed specifically about the room providing opportunity to work with a friend or by one’s self. Plants and flowers are arranged on various shelves to provide not only a home-like space but opportunity for a child to give care to their surroundings. There is a space for preparation of food, set up with appropriate utensils, plates for serving, bowls, glasses, pitchers and so forth. Much thought and planning goes into the prepared environment, making it warm, inviting, attractive, and interesting to the children.
Respect toward the children, between the adults, and between the children is paramount. Adults are role models portraying appropriate movement, language, energy, joy, and enthusiasm for being with each child in the moment.
— by Judith Kemper, AMI Montessori Guide

Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Holiday Hint for Families: Keep It Simple

Holidays usually conjure visions of decorating, parties, family, fun, food, shopping, sharing, in general, good times. However, if children are a part of the routine, one might also envision tears, frustration, whining — in general, less than ideal times. With some forethought and strategic planning, it is possible to enjoy pleasant holiday time with less stress.
Combining sugary treats with busy schedules, shopping, parties, missed naps, and late bed times is most probably going to lead to not-so-happy children or parents. Nutrition and rest are even more important than usual during these times. Because there is often an abundance of sweet snacks and treats, well-planned meals are a must. Also, consider snacks and treats that consist of healthy ingredients. It isn’t necessary to provide high sugar foods (others will often do so in abundance).
Start early; plan menus to include less sugar, more protein, and natural ingredients such as fruits and veggies. Attractive trays can be arranged with healthy food choices depicting festive images (great ideas can be found on Google, Pinterest and Facebook). Be sure your child(ren) eat at regular times, following a routine schedule as much as possible.
For young children, breaks for naps are essential, as well as adhering to routine bedtimes. Take advantage of your child’s naptime to rest a bit yourself. Putting a child down to sleep is a great excuse to lie down. Avoid added pressure of guests, families, parties, imposed obligations. Resist feeling obligated to do everything asked of you. Prioritize and do only what is truly important to you and your family. By keeping “running around” to a minimum, you and your child will feel much happier and joyful for whatever you truly want to do.
Gifts from the heart are always best. It isn’t necessary to “break the bank” or even to spend hours shopping and struggling with crowds. Letting your child work with you to create homemade gifts is in itself a gift to your child. Perfection is not the key; it is the process, the time spent with your child that will make lasting memories. Creating decorations for your home is another wonderful way to celebrate with your child(ren).
For young (3-6+) children’s gifts, consider tools they can enjoy around their home. Child-size gardening tools, broom, mop (with a real mop head), hand broom/dust pan, pretty dusting cloths, aprons, art supplies (no markers, but crayons, paints, colored pencils, sketch books, an easel). Some of these are appropriate for older children as well. For readers, consider age appropriate books, novels, history, biographies, science, etc.
There are a myriad of “crafts kits” sold. But, why not make your own kit? Learning their main interests, you might put together a decorative box or bag of materials for sewing, crochet, knitting, cooking, painting, camping, or gardening. Gift cards for more supplies would be a fun addition.
The best idea is to “keep it simple.” No one benefits from overdoing. There is truly such a thing as too much of a good thing. Less is more. You get the idea. From Maria Montessori, herself: “It is a fact that strong stimulants do not make more acute but rather tend to weaken the senses, which, as a result, demand stronger and stronger excitement.” — By Judith Kemper

Thursday, September 11, 2014

We Have a Logo!

You'll soon start seeing the Goodwater Montessori logo around Williamson County. We'll have booths at community events in Georgetown and Round Rock throughout the Fall. We'll post the schedule soon.

And just let us know if you'd like a logo t-shirt. We'll be getting some made.

Friday, September 5, 2014

Board & Community Meeting Minutes for July 29, 2014

Mission: To provide an exceptional Montessori education to all children and their families, encouraging a lifelong love of learning and active participation in their communities and the world.
Vision: We create a more peaceful world by developing conscientious citizens who approach their world with confidence, creativity and collaboration.
Values: Diversity, Independence, Joy, Passion & Respect

The meeting opened at 6:34 p.m. In attendance were Kate McSpadden, Mary Evelyn Bowling, Nancy Gribble-Tay, Kathy Anthony, Trevor Eissler, Judith Kemper, Ali Guajardo, Karen Stapley.

Welcome & Opening Thoughts
Trevor Eissler shared a math trick that helps with complex multiplication. The trick was so enlightening that the group was pleasantly shocked and intrigued. Several members began immediately to try and figure out how it worked. Trevor shared that this is what we are aiming to achieve in our future schools. We want to present the children with work that is so intriguing and interesting that they want to "dig in" straight away. This is one of the reasons that the Montessori day is based upon the three-hour work period.

Motion to Approve June Minutes
Kate McSpadden noted that, since there was no quorum, we could not approve minutes. They will be presented for approval in September.

My Montessori Story
Nancy-Gribble-Tay shared her Montessori journey from its beginnings in Houston when Nancy was teaching in the local public schools. Her family moved to Germany where she taught in the International School. Relocating to the Austin area, Nancy found Community Montessori School to be a perfect fit for her daughters. She became hooked on the philosophy when she was asked to sub in the primary environment. Nancy sought her primary training and has now completed her elementary training and master's degree in education.

Fundraising Five
Mary Evelyn passed out cards for each of those in attendance to record the contact information of their five inner circle contacts. These are the five people that are “guaranteed” donations for each of us. These are the people that will give because of who we are and their relationship with us. Some people were able to turn in five cards, some need more time. Kate McSpadden passed out her donation pledge sheet. There was some discussion regarding removing the date so that people aren't inclined to postpone their donation. Kate will update the form before the next meeting.

Community Outreach
Kathy Anthony wants to start getting Nancy Gribble-Tay, our Head of School, out on the road. We discussed a donor party in late September. Some think we need a series of events.

Texas Charter School Association Consulting Package
Kate McSpadden shared the different consulting options available from TCSA.

New Business
We are on the cusp of publishing the website. We now have post office box. It is P.O. box 1896, 78627. We discussed the importance of naming the school prior to the start of fundraising activities. We will also be required to do criminal background checks for board members. Board members are asked to bring copies of their Social Security card and Texas Driver License.

Nancy closed the meeting with the presentation a glass vase, clear and simple, as our first piece of classroom material. We adjourned at 8:00 p.m.

Board & Community Meeting Minutes for June 2, 2014

Mission: To provide an exceptional Montessori education to all children and their families, encouraging a lifelong love of learning and active participation in their communities and the world.
Vision: We create a more peaceful world by developing conscientious citizens who approach their world with confidence, creativity and collaboration.
Values: Diversity, Independence, Joy, Passion & Respect
The meeting opened at 6:37 p.m. with Mary Evelyn Bowling, Elaine Steinbeck, Trevor Eissler, Nancy Gribble-Tay, Kathy Anthony, Tonya Hiland and Karen Stapley.

Opening Thoughts
Kathy Anthony, in the wake of Maya Angelou’s recent death, shared some of her very inspirational thoughts.

Motion to approve May Minutes
Mary Evelyn Bowling asked a motion to approve the May minutes. Trevor Eissler moved and Elaine Steinbeck seconded. The minutes were approved. 

My Montessori Story
Trevor Eissler welcomed Nancy Gribble-Tay, Goodwater Montessori Head of School, and opened the floor to her. Nancy shared her excitement about her experience working on her elementary training and her master's degree in education. She shared that she is more “smitten” with the elementary curriculum than she anticipated she would be. Trevor began by remembering John Lyon’s (Associate Director of the Chasco YMCA) presentation about fundraising. He recalled that we did not share our story with John. Trevor mentioned how easy it is to NOT tell your story. Trevor recalled how John told us his story about volunteering on a YMCA camping trip. He was hooked on camping from that moment on. John noticed and loved how the children learned outside the classroom. Trevor mentioned that if we were telling our story, we should then talk to John about camping, because this is what he understands and loves. We need to use their story to connect with them about what our story. Trevor shared that we need to make our stories personal. We need to go beyond the Mission, Vision and Values. We should highlight aspects of our stories and we need to make the stories relevant to the listener. Trevor also mentioned that we should highlight a specific principle of what we are doing. Montessori classrooms are special. Relate a special incident, that reveals a principle, to the person you are talking to. Tonya Hiland mentioned that she has a friend who authored a book entitled Lead with the Story. There is something about stories that light us on fire. 

What is a "Founder?" Discussion
The group opened a discussion about founders of WilCo Montessori Partners. Some basic ideas were presented and discussed. What does being the founder get you? Does it get your child into the school? Does it get you a job? Do you get something for time? Do you get something for money? It might be incentive to get people to work. Trevor shared that Montessori for All in East Austin has no founders. A group member asked about the possibilities of us doing that. There was discussion about financial contribution and consensus that being a founder will not be tied to financial contribution. Nancy Gribble-Tay asked if this is something that other charter schools do. Kathy Anthony mentioned that, based on the Meridian School experience, maybe we as a group, cam come up with a list of tasks that need to be completed in the process. Elaine Steinbeck asked if the main task is the preparation of the charter application. Mary Evelyn Bowling mentioned that the writing is a significant portion of the work to be done, but there are many more tasks and much more work that needs to be completed in support of writing a viable application.

Wednesday, September 3, 2014

We've Named Our School!

WilCo Montessori Partners has some exciting news! Our board has officially approved the name of our Charter Montessori School. Wait for it. . . wait for it. . . GOODWATER MONTESSORI SCHOOL!

We're so thrilled to have chosen a name that draws upon the history of Native Americans' term for the land that will be our home, Williamson County. Water is life-giving and the flowing of refreshing water is like the flowing of a river of knowledge.

Join our celebration by telling all your friends that a tuition-free Montessori school is coming to Williamson County!