Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Board & Community Meeting Minutes - March 4, 2014

Mission: To provide an exceptional Montessori education to all children and their families, encouraging a lifelong love of learning and active participation in their communities and the world.

Vision: We create a more peaceful world by developing conscientious citizens who approach their world with confidence, creativity and collaboration.  

Values: Diversity, Independence, Joy, Passion & Respect

1. Opening Thoughts  
The meeting opened at 6:29 p.m. Board members in attendance were: Kate McSpadden, Mary Evelyn Bowling, Elaine Steinbeck and Trevor Eissler. Mary Evelyn Bowling began with a quote from Antoine de Saint-Exupery. 

2. Motion to approve January & February minutes - Kate McSpadden  
Kate McSpadden asked for a motion to approve Board minutes from January and February. Kate McSpadden made a correction to the mission. The last words "in their world" were inadvertently omitted. Mary Evelyn Bowling made a correction to the date referenced as 4/4/14 in the February minutes in the section about emails. Trevor Eissler motioned to approve the minutes with the changes. Elaine Steinbeck seconded the motion. All voted in favor of the motion. 

3. Motion to approve Bylaws - Kate McSpadden  
Kate McSpadden asked for a motion to approve the changes in the bylaws. The group discussed the change. The revised bylaws omit the section referencing the giving of grants by WilCo Montessori Partners (WCMP). Kate McSpadden asked for a motion to approve Bylaws. Trevor Eissler made a motion to approve the amended bylaws. Elaine Steinbeck seconded the motion. All voted in favor of the motion. 

4. Charter Development Team Update - Elaine Steinbeck  
Elaine Steinbeck shared that she that she was not able to contribute to the EPPT in the leadership role the way she wanted. She explained that her expertise is birth to 3 and not necessarily elementary and middle school years. She wants to focus her attention on her primary business, Best Start. Judith Kemper will assume some of the responsibilities of leadership for the EPPT for a while.