Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Community Meeting Minutes 2/4/14

WilCo Montessori Partners
Community Meeting Agenda
February 4, 2014 

Mission: To provide an exceptional Montessori education to all children and their families, encouraging a lifelong love of learning and active participation in their communities.
Vision: We create a more peaceful world by developing conscientious citizens who approach their world with confidence, creativity and collaboration.
Values: Diversity, Independence, Joy, Passion & Respect

1.     Welcome New Members - Mary Evelyn Bowling — We all introduced ourselves and shared our connection with Montessori and the group. We welcomed a new member, Claire Kosckacovich. Kate shared that her interests lie in creating a legacy for other children.
2.     501c3 Status - Kate McSpadden — The 501c3 paperwork has been submitted and was received on 1/30. We anticipate a 3-6 month approval. When communicating about Wilco Montessori Partners, we can state that we are a 501c3, pending.
3.     Demographics - Kate McSpadden — Omitted. Please see Board minutes dated 2/4/14.
4.     Public Relations Update - Kathy Anthony — Kate shared the PR update as Kathy was not able to attend the meeting. Kathy Anthony is a founder and former Montessori Parent. She has worked many years for public schools in communications and public relations. She has created a comprehensive plan for us to follow as we develop our school and become involved in the community. The blog and FB page are up. We are researching the development of a website.

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